Reports: Student Activity Report
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What information is available on the Student Activity Report in Vantage?


The reports available in Vantage provide insights into your students' progress in the course. You can quickly get to the reports for any course by locating that course on your My Courses dashboard and opening the Reports page.

  TIP: Report data updates once each day. To see changes, check back the following day.

You can go to the Reports page for any course from the My Courses dashboard.


If you are already in another area of your Vantage course, you can easily get to the Reports from the top navigation menu.

If you are in another tab of your course, you can use the top navigation menu to access the Reports tab.


You can download any report in CSV or PDF format. Look for the download link under the report type header and choose the format you want to download.

Student activity can be downloaded in CSV or PDF format. This option is available at the top left of the page.

After clicking "Download" on the Student Activity page, you can choose CSV or PDF format.


The Student Activity Report shows activity and progress for each student in the course. On the Reports page, you can view the following details for all students:

·       The number of sessions a student has initiated

·       Date of the first session

·       Date of the last session

·       The number of sections viewed in the course

·       Total active time in the course

The Student Activity Report gives you details about each student's time in a course, how many content sections they have viewed, and their last visit to the site.

You can search for students by name using the search textbox at the top right of the Student Activity Report. The search allows you to filter the student list based on your search criteria.

At the top right of the Student Activity page, you can search for a student.


You can click on a student's name to view details of their progress on their Assignment Overview page. At the top of the page, you can see a snapshot of the number of assignments the student has completed with a breakdown of those assignments by type.

This image shows an Assignment Overview page after clicking a student's name in the gradebook. Basic course details are displayed at the top left. The top middle and right side of the page display graphs that track the student's progress through the assignments in the course.


More specific details and actions for grade management appear on the bottom of the page. You can review or delete a student's completed attempts or accept a late grade. You can also download a CSV of the student's completed assignments.

At the bottom of the Assignment Overview page, each assignment attempt a student has made is listed. Details include the number of attempts and the scores for each attempt, what is recorded in the gradebook for the assignment (a grade or complete), and the starting and ending time stamps for each attempt.
