Blackboard: Deep Linking and Grade Sync
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How do I create deep links and grade sync assignments in Sage Vantage in Blackboard?


Deep Linking Guide for Blackboard

This guide will walk you through the process of pairing Sage Vantage with your Blackboard course. Once paired, you can create deep links to Vantage content and set up grade sync for any Vantage assignments you wish to include in your Blackboard gradebook.

Download the .pdf version of this guide


Table of Contents


·       Video Tutorials

·       Create a Vantage Course

o   Create a New Course

o   Copy an Existing Course

·       Deep Links and Grade Sync in a New Blackboard Course

o   Blackboard Courses Using Original Course View

o   Blackboard Courses Using Ultra Course View

o   Excluding Grades for Completion from the Blackboard Gradebook Calculations

·       Deep Links and Grade Sync in a Blackboard Course Copy



Video Tutorials


Tutorial videos for Vantage and for using Vantage with your Blackboard course are available on the Vantage Technical Support website:


·       Sage Vantage Instructor Videos



Create a Vantage course


Before you can add deep links or grade sync items to your Blackboard course, you must create your Sage Vantage course. If you have additional sections in the same term or will teach the course again in a new term, you can copy an existing Vantage course to use with the additional sections.


Visit to Login or Sign Up for Vantage. If you are not sure what your password is, you can click the "Forgot Password?" link to reset it.


Do you want to…


·       Create a New Course

·       Copy an Existing Course



Create a New Course


If you have never created a Vantage course, when you first login you will be taken directly into the course creation process. If you have created a course before, you can use the Create Course button at the top right of your My Courses Dashboard to create a new course.


1.      Click Create a New Course to begin.

The "Create a Course" page allows you to create a new course. In this image, no other courses exist in the Vantage account so only the option to create a new course is available. The option to copy an existing course is greyed out.


2.      Complete the Course Information page (1. Enter Course Information). Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.


a.       Select an Institution and Department. If you do not see your institution or department in the dropdowns, follow the directions on the right of the page to update your information.


On the "1. Enter Course Information" page, begin the course creation process by selecting your institution and department in the dropdown menu options. If your institution or department are not listed, instructions are included on the right of the page which allow you to request a profile update.


b.      Locate the title you wish to use. There are two ways to find it.


You can start typing to search by author or title.

The default option to search for a title is by using the author or title name. This option is selected by default, so you can start typing to bring up results that match what you are looking for.


You can also search by discipline. Once you choose the discipline, you can further refine your search by choosing a Course Area. All titles available for the discipline and course area combination you select will display. Choose your title from the list.


You can locate your title by browsing through available titles in the discipline of your choice. Use the dropdown menus to search in a discipline and specific course area within that discipline. Available titles will appear based on your selections.


c.       Complete the Course name, Section Name, Course Start and End dates, Time Zone, and Course Description fields. Section Name and Course Description are optional fields, but all other information is required.

The course creation page will require details about your course including the course name, start and end dates, and time zone. Section name and course description are optional fields. Once you add the course details, click the "Next" button to proceed to the next section.

d.      Click Next once you complete your course details.


3.      On the next page (Choose Gradebook and Assignment Settings), default settings for your gradebook and assignments are selected. The images below show the default settings, but you can make changes based on the needs of your course.


4.      Late Assignments

Selecting "Accept late assignments" will display grades for all student submissions. If all attempts for an assignment are submitted after the due date, the student grade for that assignment will display in red in the gradebook.


If you select "Do not accept late assignments", Vantage will not display any late assignment submissions in your gradebook. All student work is viewable from the student's dashboard.


5.      Short Answers and Critical Thinking Checks

Short answers are present in Critical Thinking Checks, Video Activities, Data Activities, Reading Activities. If they are assigned and not set for auto credit, you will need to review and assign credit for students when they complete their attempts for these assessments before the student will receive a full grade.


6.      Vantage Grade To Date

You can choose to display or not the cumulative grade for all Vantage assignments assigned for a grade and for completion on the student dashboard and the percentage of what Vantage is worth in your overall grade.


A screenshot of a survey

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a.       Gradebook Settings

Default: Accept late assignments, Assign short answer questions for each activity type, Critical Thinking Checks, Vantage grade to date and overall

Vantage % of students' overall grade


b.      Global Assignment Settings by Type


i.      Chapter Quizzes

The default settings for Chapter Tests are assigned for a grade with one attempt. You can update these settings during the course creation process.

Default: Assigned for a grade, one attempt, Unlimited Chapter Quiz reviews, and to restrict or not access to the quizzes



ii.      Knowledge Checks

Default: Assigned for completion, Hints are allowed, Unlimited attempts

The default settings for Knowledge Checks are assigned for completion with unlimited attempts. You can update these settings during the course creation process.



iii.   Critical Thinking Checks

(If you elected not to assign short answer and Critical Thinking Checks earlier on this page, you will not see this section)

Default: Assigned for completion, Unlimited attempts

A screenshot of a video activity survey

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iv.   Video Activities, Data Activities, Reading Activities

Default: Assign short answer questions, Assigned for completion, Unlimited attempts


A screenshot of a video activity

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v.     If assigned for a grade, will have a choice to receive credit automatically or require instructor review.

A screenshot of a video activity survey

Description automatically generated

vi.   Self Assessments

Default: Are for completion only

A screenshot of a survey

Description automatically generated

c.       Click Review to verify your course settings.


7.      Review the Course Details on the Review page (3. Review & Complete Course) to double check the settings you made for your course.


a.       If you need to make changes, click the pencil icon to the right of this section.

On the review page (3. Review & Complete Course), you can confirm the course details you entered. Click the pencil icon to the right of this section to make changes.


b.      Review the Gradebook Settings. If you need to make changes, click the pencil icon to the right of this section.


A screenshot of a computer

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c.       Review the Global Assignment Settings. If you need to make changes, click the pencil icon to the right of this section.

A screenshot of a computer program

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d.      Click Complete to finish creating your course. On the course creation confirmation page, you can click the respective Copy buttons to copy your course link (used for non-LMS integrated courses only) or Course ID. You can then paste these details to wherever you want to store the information.


You can also click the Send button to email a copy of this information to yourself. Once you are finished on this page, click Back to My Courses to return to your My Courses Dashboard.

The course creation confirmation message shows you the Course ID and the course link to use for standalone Vantage course. Click the "Send" button to email the Course ID and link to your email address.


8.      Once your course is created, you can go to the Assignments tab from the course tile on your My Courses Dashboard page. This will allow you to apply more granular settings for each Chapter and/or assignment.

After creating your Vantage course, you can go to the Assignments tab of your course tile to make further edits to course content.


9.      Once you have finished editing Chapters and Assignments, your Vantage course can be paired with your Blackboard course.



Copy an Existing Course


If you have created a Vantage course in the past, you may wish to copy that course to use for another section in the same term or for a new term.


 TIP: Copying a course is a one-time action. You should finish customizing the assignments and due dates of your course before making a copy of it. After you finish the copy process, changes will need to be made to both courses separately.



1.      Click Create Course at the top right of your My Courses Dashboard.


The "Create Course" button is at the top right of the My Courses dashboard.

2.      Click Copy an Existing Course.

If you have courses in your Vantage account and click the "Create Course" button from your dashboard, you will have two options: Create a New Course or Copy an Existing Course.






                  Or Click on the Cogwheel above the cover of the textbook and click copy.

A screenshot of a computer

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3.      You will see a list of all of your courses available to copy if you click on the “copy an existing course box.” NOTE: If you click on the cogwheel and then copy you will only see that course but all other steps are the same.


a.       Choose the course you wish to copy.


b.      If the course dates of your old and new courses match – for example, if you are running multiple sections of the same course in a single term – you can copy the due dates as well. Tick the "Copy due dates" checkbox to retain them.



During the course copy process, you choose the course you want to copy. If appropriate, you can tick the checkbox to copy all due dates - useful if you are teaching multiple sections with the same course dates.


c.       Click Next to start the course creation process.


4.      The Course Details of your chosen course will appear. You will see a banner message to change the Course Name, Section Name or Start and End Dates. Once you change one or more of these fields, click Next.

When you copy a course, you will be prompted to change the Course Name, Section Name, or Start/End Dates.


5.      On the Review page (3. Review & Complete Course), you can double check the settings you made for your course.


a.       Review the Course Details. If you need to make changes, click the pencil icon to the right of this section.

On the review page (3. Review & Complete Course), you can confirm the course details you entered. Click the pencil icon to the right of this section to make changes.


b.      Review the Gradebook Settings. If you need to make changes, click the pencil icon to the right of this section.

Confirm the gradebook settings you entered. Click the pencil icon to the right of this section to make changes.


c.       Review the Global Assignment Settings. If you need to make changes, click the pencil icon to the right of this section.


A screenshot of a computer program

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d.      Click Complete to finish creating your course. On the course creation confirmation page, you can click the respective Copy buttons to copy your course link (used for non-LMS integrated courses only) or Course ID. You can then paste these details to wherever you want to store the information.


You can also click the Send button to email a copy of this information to yourself. Once you are finished on this page, click Back to My Courses to return to your My Courses Dashboard.

The course creation confirmation message shows you the Course ID and the course link to use for standalone Vantage course. Click the "Send" button to email the Course ID and link to your email address.

6.      Once your course is created, you can go to the Assignments tab from the course tile on your My Courses Dashboard page. This will allow you to apply more granular settings for each Chapter and/or assignment.

After creating your Vantage course, you can go to the Assignments tab of your course tile to make further edits to course content.


7.      Once you have finished editing Chapters and Assignments (if necessary), your Vantage course can be paired with your Blackboard course.



Deep Links and Grade Sync in a New Blackboard Course


For best results, create your Vantage course before you are ready to pair it with your Blackboard course.


Depending on your Blackboard environment, you may have either the original course view or the Ultra course view (see the side-by-side comparison below). Note that some schools may allow you to choose which of the two views you want your Blackboard course to use.


You can add a module specifically for your Sage Vantage content or you can include the Vantage links within existing modules (for example, if you set up your Blackboard course with a module for each chapter). The layout of your Blackboard course depends entirely on your instructional design preferences.


Choose your course view to create Deep Links and Grade Sync:


·       Original Course View

·       Ultra Course View


Original Course View


This image shows the left navigation panel of the Blackboard Original Course View. Course content areas are grouped at the top while Course Management functions grouped at the bottom.


Ultra Course View


This image shows the left navigation of the Blackboard Ultra Course View. The most commonly used course management functions are found here in a modern, streamlined interface.




Blackboard Courses Using Original Course View


1.      Navigate to the Content Area in your course where you would like to place a Vantage link. Click Build Content to open the action menu. You will see a list of actions and available tools. Choose the tool for Sage Vantage.

This image highlights the context menu for Build Content. The Sage Vantage tool is noted in the list of available tools.

2.      Locate the Vantage course you wish to pair with, then click Select. If you only have one Vantage course in your account, it will automatically be selected for you.

This image shows Vantage courses that can be paired with the LMS course.


3.      After selecting your Vantage course, the link selection page will load. Three dropdown menus are available to help you filter content in your Vantage course. They will help you narrow content selections to more easily pick links and grade sync items. We recommend using only one filter at a time.


The dropdown menu options are


a.       Resource Types – Filter by a single resource type such as Readings, Chapter Quizzess, etc.


b.      Chapters – Filter content by a single chapter


c.       Assignments – Filter only assignments or by assignment status (assigned for grade / completion or unassigned)


This image shows the default view when setting up deep link and grade sync items in Vantage. The three dropdown menus are highlighted. They allow sorting by Resource Type, Chapters, and Assignments.


4.      Once you filter the content, the sorted list will show only those items matching your selection. You can choose items from the resulting list to create deep links and/or grade syncs in your Blackboard course.


For each item in the list, there are two columns on the right of the page. The left column (Link to Course) refers to the deep link that is added to your Blackboard module. The right column (Grade Sync) determines if an assignment is synced with your Blackboard gradebook.


If an item is not gradable – such as a chapter reading – the grade sync column will not have a checkbox. It will instead have a dash indicating it cannot be synced. If you have previously grade synced an assignment, the Grade Sync column will show a dash as well indicating it's already synced.


This image highlights gradable and non-gradable items in Vantage. Activities that are not gradable will have a checkbox only in the Link to Course column. Activities that can be graded will have a checkbox in both the Link to Course and Grade Sync columns.


a.       Create deep links (with or without grade sync):


To create a link in your Blackboard course, choose one or more items you wish to add by ticking the checkbox in the "Link to Course" column for that item. If you select a gradable item (such as a Knowledge Check, Video Activity or Chapter Quiz), the Grade Sync column is automatically ticked as well. This allows you to create a link and a grade sync item at the same time.


In this image, the checkbox for a chapter reading is ticked in the "Link to Course" column. The checkbox in the "Link to Course" column for a Video Activity is also ticked. Since the Video Activity can be added to the LMS Gradebook, the checkbox in the "Grade Sync" column automatically gets ticked as well.


To add a link for all items in the sort list, you can use the "Select All" checkbox above the "Link to Course" column. All checkboxes will be ticked including any associated Grade Sync items.

To add a link for everything in the sorted list, the checkbox for "Select All" can be ticked. This checkbox appears at the top of the page, just above the "Link to Course" column.


After you've selected one or more links to add to your Blackboard course, click Continue to review your selections. This button is available at the top and bottom of the page.


You can double check your selections on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page.

The Confirm LMS Selection(s) page will show all items selected to add to the course. This page shows which items will be linked and which items will be grade synced in the LMS. At the top and bottom of the page, the "Go Back" and "Continue" buttons can be used to either pick more content or complete adding the content to the LMS.


If you want to add more items, you can use the Go Back button to choose more content. When you review, you will see all choices you have made.


Once you have picked all links you want to add to your Blackboard module, click

Continue on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page.


After a few seconds, you will see a "Success!" message confirming content was added to your Blackboard course. You can close this window and return to your Blackboard course.

This image shows a "Success" message on adding grade synced items without also adding deep links. It tells you to close the window to return to your course. It also tells you to refresh your course to see the changes.

b.      Create grade syncs only (without deep links):


You can add grade sync assignments without adding deep links for them. For example, you may want to link only a single chapter reading in your Blackboard module, but still have all assignments from that same chapter grade synced with your Blackboard gradebook.


If you want to grade sync only specific assignments, you can tick the Grade Sync checkbox next to those assignments. Only the items you choose to grade sync will create a gradebook column in Blackboard. In this example, a Knowledge Check and Video Activity are selected for grade sync, but the Data Activity is not.

In this image, only specific assignments are chosen to grade sync. The Video Activity and Knowledge Check grade sync checkboxes are ticked which chooses them for grade sync with the LMS. The Data Activity grade sync checkbox is empty, so will not be included in the grade sync.


If you want to grade sync everything in the filtered list – for instance, if you filter by Chapter Quizzes and want to grade sync all of them – you can tick the "Select All" checkbox above the Grade Sync column. All items will be selected for grade sync.


To add a grade sync for everything in the sorted list, the checkbox for "Select All" can be ticked. This checkbox appears at the top of the page, just above the "Grade Sync" column.


When you choose to Grade Sync an assignment, a gradebook column is created in your Blackboard gradebook for the assignment.


After you've selected one or more items to grade sync, click Continue to review your selections. This button is available at the top and bottom of the page.


You can double check your selections on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page.

The Confirm LMS Selection(s) page will show all items selected to add to the course. This page shows which items will be linked and which items will be grade synced in the LMS. At the top and bottom of the page, the "Go Back" and "Continue" buttons can be used to either pick more content or complete adding the content to the LMS.


If you want to add more grade sync items, you can use the Go Back button to add more grade syncs. Once you have picked everything you want grade synced, click Continue on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page to complete the grade sync.


After a few seconds, you will see a pop-up message indicating that no links were created. Click OK to return to Blackboard. You can visit your Blackboard gradebook to see the new columns that were added for your assignment selections.

This image shows the pop-up message that gradebook items were created, but no actual links were created in the LMS course.


5.      When you are finished adding deep links and grade sync items to your Blackboard course, refresh the browser tab displaying your Blackboard course to see the Vantage content. Next, click on a Vantage link to complete the grade sync connection. If you do not click on a Vantage link, Vantage will not send grades to your Blackboard gradebook.


Note: If you add new grade sync items at a later date, you must click on a Vantage link again to complete the grade sync connection for the new items.

Clicking any Vantage link will complete the grade sync connection to allow for grade return to the LMS.

6.      It is recommended that you set your links to open in a new window for accessibility purposes, as well as providing a better user experience for students who are accessing the course on mobile devices.


a.       Next to the Vantage link in your Blackboard course, expand the action menu. Choose Edit.

Open the action menu next to a link in the LMS. The top option is "Edit."


b.      On the "Edit Web Link" page, scroll down to about the middle of the page. In the "Web Link Options" section, set the Open in New Window radio button to Yes.

Scroll down to the middle of the page to the "Web Link Options" area. Change the "Open in New Window" radio button to Yes. Click the Submit button at the bottom right of the page to save the change.


c.       Click Submit in the bottom right corner of the page to save the change.




Blackboard Courses Using Ultra Course View


1.      Navigate to the Content Area in your course where you would like to place your links. Click the plus sign to begin.


This image shows the default Ultra course view with no content built. The "+" icon is highlighted which is where you will start building your Vantage course links.


Note: You can also look under "Books & Tools" in the left navigation, then click the View course & institution tools link. You may then need to click "Browse available partners" or "Browse all course tools" to find the Sage Vantage tool. Both options will take you to the Content Market.

This image highlights the "Books & Tools" section in the left navigation.

2.      In the content menu, select Content Market.

This image shows the context menu after clicking the "+" icon. The Content Market option is highlighted.


3.      Scroll down to the Institution Tools section at the bottom of the page. Look for the Sage Vantage tool and select it. If you don't see the tool, you may need to click Find More to locate it.

This image shows the Content Market page. Institution Tools are grouped at the bottom of the page. You will select your Sage Vantage tool (highlighted in this image) from this area.


4.      Locate the Vantage course you wish to pair with, then click Select. If you only have one Vantage course in your account, it will automatically be selected for you.


This image shows Vantage courses that can be paired with the LMS course.


5.      After selecting your Vantage course, the link selection page will load. Three dropdown menus are available to help you filter content in your Vantage course. They will help you narrow content selections to more easily pick links and grade sync items. We recommend using only one filter at a time.


The dropdown menu options are


a.       Resource Types – Filter by a single resource type such as Readings, Chapter Quizzes, etc.


b.      Chapters – Filter content by a single chapter


c.       Assignments – Filter only assignments or by assignment status (assigned for grade / completion or unassigned)


This image shows the default view when setting up deep link and grade sync items in Vantage. The three dropdown menus are highlighted. They allow sorting by Resource Type, Chapters, and Assignments.


6.      Once you filter the content, the sorted list will show only those items matching your selection. You can choose items from the resulting list to create deep links and/or grade syncs in your Blackboard course.


For each item in the list, there are two columns on the right of the page. The left column (Link to Course) refers to the deep link that is added to your Blackboard module. The right column (Grade Sync) determines if an assignment is synced with your Blackboard gradebook.


If an item is not gradable – such as a chapter reading – the grade sync column will not have a checkbox. It will instead have a dash indicating it cannot be synced. If you have previously grade synced an assignment, the Grade Sync column will show a dash as well indicating it's already synced.


This image highlights gradable and non-gradable items in Vantage. Activities that are not gradable will have a checkbox only in the Link to Course column. Activities that can be graded will have a checkbox in both the Link to Course and Grade Sync columns.


a.       Create deep links (with or without grade sync):


To create a link in your Blackboard course, choose one or more items you wish to add by ticking the checkbox in the "Link to Course" column for that item. If you select a gradable item (such as a Knowledge Check, Video Activity or Chapter Quiz), the Grade Sync column is automatically ticked as well. This allows you to create a link and a grade sync item at the same time.


In this image, the checkbox for a chapter reading is ticked in the "Link to Course" column. The checkbox in the "Link to Course" column for a Video Activity is also ticked. Since the Video Activity can be added to the LMS Gradebook, the checkbox in the "Grade Sync" column automatically gets ticked as well.


To add a link for all items in the sort list, you can use the "Select All" checkbox above the "Link to Course" column. All checkboxes will be ticked including any associated Grade Sync items.

To add a link for everything in the sorted list, the checkbox for "Select All" can be ticked. This checkbox appears at the top of the page, just above the "Link to Course" column.


After you've selected one or more links to add to your Blackboard course, click Continue to review your selections. This button is available at the top and bottom of the page.


You can double check your selections on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page.

The Confirm LMS Selection(s) page will show all items selected to add to the course. This page shows which items will be linked and which items will be grade synced in the LMS. At the top and bottom of the page, the "Go Back" and "Continue" buttons can be used to either pick more content or complete adding the content to the LMS.


If you want to add more items, you can use the Go Back button to choose more content. When you review, you will see all choices you have made.


Once you have picked all links you want to add to your Blackboard module, click

Continue on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page.


After a few seconds, you will see a "Success!" message confirming content was added to your Blackboard course. You can close this window and return to your Blackboard course.

This image shows a "Success" message on adding grade synced items without also adding deep links. It tells you to close the window to return to your course. It also tells you to refresh your course to see the changes.

b.      Create grade syncs only (without deep links):


You can add grade sync assignments without adding deep links for them. For example, you may want to link only a single chapter reading in your Blackboard module, but still have all assignments from that same chapter grade synced with your Blackboard gradebook.


If you want to grade sync only specific assignments, you can tick the Grade Sync checkbox next to those assignments. Only the items you choose to grade sync will create a gradebook column in Blackboard. In this example, a Knowledge Check and Video Activity are selected for grade sync, but the Data Activity is not.

In this image, only specific assignments are chosen to grade sync. The Video Activity and Knowledge Check grade sync checkboxes are ticked which chooses them for grade sync with the LMS. The Data Activity grade sync checkbox is empty, so will not be included in the grade sync.


If you want to grade sync everything in the filtered list – for instance, if you filter by Chapter Quizzes and want to grade sync all of them – you can tick the "Select All" checkbox above the Grade Sync column. All items will be selected for grade sync.


To add a grade sync for everything in the sorted list, the checkbox for "Select All" can be ticked. This checkbox appears at the top of the page, just above the "Grade Sync" column.


When you choose to Grade Sync an assignment, a gradebook column is created in your Blackboard gradebook for the assignment.


After you've selected one or more items to grade sync, click Continue to review your selections. This button is available at the top and bottom of the page.


You can double check your selections on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page.

The Confirm LMS Selection(s) page will show all items selected to add to the course. This page shows which items will be linked and which items will be grade synced in the LMS. At the top and bottom of the page, the "Go Back" and "Continue" buttons can be used to either pick more content or complete adding the content to the LMS.


If you want to add more grade sync items, you can use the Go Back button to add more grade syncs. Once you have picked everything you want grade synced, click Continue on the "Confirm LMS Selection(s)" page to complete the grade sync.


After a few seconds, you will see a pop-up message indicating that no links were created. Click OK to return to Blackboard. You can visit your Blackboard gradebook to see the new columns that were added for your assignment selections.

This image shows the pop-up message that gradebook items were created, but no actual links were created in the LMS course.


7.      When you are finished adding deep links and grade sync items to your Blackboard course, refresh the browser tab displaying your Blackboard course to see the Vantage content. Next, click on a Vantage link to complete the grade sync connection. If you do not click on a Vantage link, Vantage will not send grades to your Blackboard gradebook.


Note: If you add new grade sync items at a later date, you must click on a Vantage link again to complete the grade sync connection for the new items.

Clicking any Vantage link will complete the grade sync connection to allow for grade return to the LMS.

8.      It is recommended that you set your links to open in a new window for accessibility purposes, as well as providing a better user experience for students who are accessing the course on mobile devices.


a.       Next to the Vantage link in your Blackboard course, expand the action menu (three horizontal dots).

Next to a link's name on the right of the page, clicking the three horizontal dots opens the action menu.


b.      Choose Edit.

Click "Edit" in the list of available actions.


c.       Tick the checkbox to Open in new window.

Tick the checkbox to "Open in new window" to open all Vantage links in a new browser tab.


d.      Click Save in the bottom right corner.




Excluding Grades for Completion from the Blackboard Gradebook Calculations


Knowledge Checks, Video Activities, etc. are often assigned for completion instead of a grade in Vantage. If you choose to grade sync these assignments, the gradebook column in Blackboard will record the point value to show the assignment was completed.


While you may want your Blackboard gradebook to show these assignments were completed, you may not want to include these points in the final grade calculations. You can exclude these assignments from the final grade, but still allow them to display in the gradebook to show the assignment was completed.


1.      Blackboard Original Course View


a.       Go to your Blackboard gradebook.


b.      Locate the assignment and click the action menu icon to the right of its name. In the list of available actions, click Edit Column Information.

Click the action menu icon next to a gradebook item's name. In the list of available actions, choose "Edit Column Information."


c.       Scroll to the Options section which is at the bottom of the page. Next to the

Include this column in Grade Center calculations, select the radio button for No.

In the Options section, locate "Include this column in Grade Center calculations." Click the radio button for "No."

d.      Click Submit at the bottom right of the page.


e.      Repeat this process to exclude any assignments that you don't want to include in the final grade calculations.


2.      Blackboard Ultra Course View


a.       Go to your Blackboard gradebook.

b.      At the bottom of the page, click Set it up.

At the bottom of the gradebook, click the "Set it up" button to adjust the gradebook items.


If you have previously hidden this message, click the gear icon at the top right of the page to open the Gradebook Settings panel. Scroll down to about the middle of the panel to the "Overall Grade" section and click Set up overall grade.


Note: If you have previously made changes to your gradebook setup, this will instead say Manage overall grade settings.

In the Gradebook Settings panel, click "Set up overall grade" to adjust gradebook items. If you have previously made changes to the gradebook setup, this will instead say "Manage overall grade settings."


c.       For each assignment you wish to exclude from the final grade calculations, click the circle icon to the right of its name to exempt it from the final grade.


 TIP: If you sort assignments into categories, you can use this same process to exempt categories instead of individual assignments.

To the right of an assignment's title, click the circle icon to "Exempt from overall grade."

d.      Once you click the icon, it turns purple to indicate the grade is exempted. The title of the assignment becomes lighter grey. The percentage points will also change to "N/A."

Once an assignment is exempted, the title will be a lighter grey. The percentage points change to "N/A" and the circle icon turns purple.


e.      If necessary, readjust percentage points for graded assignments so that the total is 100%.

If necessary, adjust percentage points in all gradebook items that will be included in the final grade calculations. The final total must equal 100%.


f.        Click Save at the bottom right of the page.

Deep Links and Grade Sync in a Blackboard Course Copy


For best results, create or copy your Vantage course before you are ready to pair it with your Blackboard course copy.



1.      Follow your school's normal process to make a copy of your Blackboard course including the Vantage links.


2.      Once your Blackboard course copy is complete, go to a module and click on any Vantage link to begin the pairing process. These images show sample links from Original View and Ultra View, respectively.

This image shows some Vantage links in a content module in Blackboard original course view.


This image shows some Vantage links in a content module in Blackboard Ultra course view.


3.      On the Vantage "Copy Course Selection" page, choose the option to Pair your LMS course to an existing Vantage course.

When you click a Vantage link in your LMS course copy, you can choose how to pair with Vantage. Ideally, you create your Vantage course copy before attempting to pair with the LMS course copy. If your Vantage course copy is ready, click "Pair your LMS course to an existing Vantage course."


4.      Locate the Vantage course you wish to pair with, then click Select.


Locate the Vantage course you need to pair, and click the "Select" button on its course tile.


5.      After you select the course, you will see the student preview of the content for the link you clicked to initiate the pairing process.

This image shows the return page after completing the Vantage course copy. In this instance, it returns to Chapter Test 3 which was the link clicked in the LMS course copy to trigger the Vantage pairing process.


6.      You can close the student preview and return to your Blackboard course. No further action is required.
