Moodle: LTI 1.3 Tool Configuration
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How do I configure the LTI 1.3 tool for Sage Vantage in Moodle?


This document will walk Moodle administrators through the LTI 1.3 tool configuration to integrate Sage Vantage with Moodle. This tool will allow instructors the ability to create deep links and sync grades between Vantage and their Moodle courses.


Some configuration information is provided to you by Sage. Your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist will provide these details using a privnote link ( Please note that this link can be opened once. When you close the page, the contents of the privnote will be destroyed. Once you open the privnote, we recommend storing a copy of this information for your records.



  1. Log into your Moodle LMS as an Administrator. Next, go to Site Administration in the left navigation menu.

    This image shows the location of "Site administration" at the bottom of the left navigation when logged in as an administrator.

  2. On the Site Administration page, go to the Plugins tab.

    This image shows the location of the Plugins tab in the top navigation.

  3. In the Activity Modules section, locate External tool. Click the Manage tools link immediately underneath it.

    This image highlights the location of the "Manage tools" link.

  4. Click the link to Configure a tool manually.

    This image highlights the location of the "configure a tool manually" link.

  5. You will be taken to the External Tool Configuration page. Complete the following fields as indicated:

    1. Tool Name: Sage Vantage (* recommended)

      This image shows the Tool name text field with the name Sage Vantage.

    2. Tool URL: This URL will be provided by Sage. The description is helpful for instructors to know what the tool is used for, but Moodle does not require this field to be completed.

      This image shows the Tool URL text field filled in with the URL provided by Sage. Additionally, the Tool description text field contains a brief description of the tool which instructors will find useful (this field is optional).

    3. LTI version: Set the dropdown to LTI 1.3.

      This image shows the LTI version dropdown set to LTI 1.3.

    4. Public Key Type: Keyset URL

      This image shows the Public Key Type field which is set to Keyset URL.

    5. Public keyset: The Keyset URL will be provided by Sage.

      This image shows the Initiate Login URL text field filled in with the provided URL.

    6. Initiate login URL:

      This image shows the Initiate Login URL text field filled in with the provided URL.

    7. Redirection URI: The reply URL will be provided by Sage.

      This image shows the Redirect URI text field filled in with the URL provided by Sage.

    8. Default launch container: Set the dropdown to New Window. Tick the checkbox for Content-Item Message.

      This image shows the settings for "Default launch container." Change the dropdown to "New Window." The checkbox beneath this dropdown for Content-Item Message is ticked.

    9. Content Selection URL: The content selection URL will be provided by Sage.

      This image shows the Content Selection URL text field filled in with the URL provided by Sage.

    10. Expand the Services section. Change the IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services selection to "Use this service for grade sync and column management."

      This image shows the Services section expanded. The "IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services" dropdown is set to "Use this service for grade sync and column management." The remaining dropdowns are left at their default settings of "Do not use this service."

    11. Expand the Privacy section. Change the first and second options to Always.

      This image shows the Privacy section expanded. The dropdowns for "Share launcher's name with tool" and "Share launcher's email with tool" dropdowns are both set to Always. The "Accept grades from the tool" dropdown is left at its default setting of "Delegate to teacher."

    12. Expand the Miscellaneous section and enter

      This image shows the Miscellaneous section expanded. is entered into the Organization ID text field. The Organizational URL text field is left blank.

    13. Make a final review of the settings for accuracy. Next, click the Save Changes button to complete the tool setup.
  6. After saving, open the tool's detail list by clicking the list icon.

    This image shows the tool you just created on the Manage Tools page. Under the Tools section, this tool appears. The detail list icon is highlighted.
  7. Send the tool's configuration details to Sage to complete the tool set-up.

    This image shows the details of the Tool Configuration setup that need to be sent to Sage.

  8. After you send the Tool Configuration Details to your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist, you will receive confirmation that the integration is complete on the Sage side. We recommend that you attempt to add a link to Vantage in a sandbox course to confirm the tool configuration is working.

a.       Go to the module you wish to add content to. Select the link to Add an activity or resource.

This image highights the "+ Add an activity or resource" link within a topic module.

                                                         i.            You may see Sage Vantage in your list of Activities.  If not, select the External Tools link. Click the Add button.

This image shows the menu after clicking "Add an activity or resource." Two options are highlighted: the Sage Vantage tool which appears in the list and the External Tool link which can be used if the Sage Vantage tool is not in the list by default.

                                                       ii.            If you had the Sage Vantage activity, click on the Select Content button.  If you selected External Tools, choose Sage Vantage from the Preconfigured Tool dropdown and then click the Select Content button.

This image shows the Preconfigured tool dropdown set to Sage Vantage.

    1. You should see the following error message that you do not have a valid Vantage account:

      "Message: Your learning management system email [] does not match an existing account in Sage Vantage. Please contact so that our support team can create or merge your accounts."

      The 400 - BadRequest error reads: "Message: Your learning management system email [] does not match an existing account in Sage Vantage. Please contact so that our support team can create or merge your accounts." It tells you that Vantage has authenticated and is looking for a valid instructor account rather than an Admin account.

      Seeing this error indicates you have authenticated into Vantage to the point where it is doing a user check. Since the user check is looking for an instructor account, this message indicates the configuration is correct.
