What should I know about a VitalSource partner integration with my Vantage course?
If your institution is partnering with VitalSource to provide Learning Management System integration with Vantage courseware, find support resources on their main “Partner Integration Resource Page” for Sage Publishing.
On the VitalSource Resource Page, discover how to:
· Access Vantage courseware through your LMS as an instructor or a student.
· Use the Deeplinking Tool in your LMS
· Contact VitalSource technical support
Get Started using Vantage through a VitalSource Partner Integration
1. Log into your LMS and select “Launch Publisher Courseware.”
2. You will be prompted to create a Vantage course. Click here for more about course creation.
3. If your LMS Admin has added the VitalSource Deeplinking Lti, you can use the Deeplinking Tool to link specific areas of Vantage content to your LMS shell.