I accidentally deleted a vantage assignment from the D2L gradebook. Vantage still thinks it's grade synced, so I can't add it back. How do I restore a vantage assignment that was deleted from the D2L gradebook?
When an assignment is added to your D2L Brightspace course from an external learning tool, deleting the assignment from the gradebook does not automatically break the connection to the tool. D2L still considers the item grade synced even if you no longer have the assignment in your gradebook.
Please note that if you have followed the steps to break the tool connection before deleting the assignment from the gradebook, you can use the vantage content picker to grade sync the assignment again. Restoring the assignment within your D2L gradebook will not re-establish the grade sync if the tool connection was broken.
Follow these steps to restore a grade synced assignment to your gradebook.
1. In your D2L Brightspace course, go to Grades to open the gradebook.

2. Go to Manage Grades.

3. Click More Actions to open the dropdown menu. Choose View Event Log.

4. On the "View Event Log" page, locate the assignment that was deleted. Click Restore to add this assignment back to your gradebook.

After you have restored the assignment, you will see it in your gradebook again. If you want to delete the grade synced assignment from your course, follow the steps to delete a grade synced assignment. |