When adding vantage content to your D2L Brightspace course, you can choose to grade sync Knowledge Checks, Data and Video Activities, Critical Thinking Checks, and Chapter Tests. If you need to delete a grade synced assignment from your D2L course at a later time for any reason, you must first break the grade sync connection between your D2L assignment and the external tool used to add the vantage assignment(s).
Breaking the connection is a manual process. You will need to do it for each assignment you want to delete. These instructions will walk you through the steps to delete a grade synced vantage assignment.
1. In your D2L Brightspace course, go to the Content area in the top navigation bar.

2. Go into the module where your assignment is located, then click on the assignment you want to delete. In this example, we want to remove Knowledge Check 5.1.
Note: When you click the assignment, it will launch the student preview in vantage for that assignment. You can close the student preview window.

3. After you click on the assignment, you will see the Activity Details page in D2L. Under the Assessment section, click Add a grade item which will open up a dropdown menu.

4. Set the dropdown to No Grade, then click the Save button.

5. In the top navigation bar, go to Grades to open the gradebook.

6. Go to Manage Grades.

7. Click More Actions to open the dropdown menu. Choose Delete.

8. On the "Delete Grade Items and Categories" page, tick the checkbox next to the assignment you want to delete. Continuing with our example, we have checked the box next to Knowledge Check 5.1. Click the Delete button.

9. A confirmation box will open. Click the Delete button to confirm.

10. You will be returned to the Manage Grades page. The item you deleted will no longer appear in the gradebook.

11. Once you've removed the item from the gradebook, you can go back to the content module to delete the topic. Next to the assignment's name, click to open the context menu. Choose Delete Topic.

12. A confirmation box will open. Click the Delete button to confirm.

After following these steps, the vantage assignment will be completely removed from your D2L course. If you decide to add the assignment back to your D2L course, you can deep link and grade sync this assignment again using the vantage content picker.