D2L Brightspace: LTI 1.3 Tool Configuration
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How do I configure the LTI 1.3 tool for Sage Vantage in D2L Brightspace?


This document will walk D2L administrators through the LTI 1.3 tool configuration to integrate Sage Vantage with D2L. This tool will allow instructors the ability to create deep links and sync grades between Vantage and their D2L courses.


Some configuration information is provided to you by Sage. Your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist will provide these details using a privnote link (https://privnote.com/). Please note that this link can be opened once. When you close the page, the contents of the privnote will be destroyed. Once you open the privnote, we recommend storing a copy of this information for your records.



  1. Before you begin, verify that LTI Advantage permissions are enabled.

a.       Click the gear icon to open the tools menu. Locate the "Security" section and click Roles and Permissions. You may need to scroll down through the available features to see it.

This image shows the options available under the gear icon. In the Security section, Roles and Permissions is highlighted.

    1. Open the context menu next to Administrator. From the menu, select Edit Permissions.

      This image shows the context menu with Edit Permissions highlighted.

c.       In the Filter by Tool dropdown list, select External Learning Tools.

This image shows the Edit Permissions options. In the Filter by Tool dropdown list, External Learning Tools is highlighted.

d.      Tick the checkboxes for Manage LTI Advantage Tool Registrations and Manage LTI Advantage Tool Deployments. Next, click Save and Close to complete.

This image shows a variety of permissions that can be enabled or disabled via checkboxes. This image highlights two checkboxes that fall under the Organization column: Manage LTI Advantage Tool Registrations and Manage LTI Advantage Tool Deployments. Both are checked.


  1. Once you have verified the permissions, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the page to open the tools menu.

    This image highlights the gear icon in the top right corner of the D2L environment.

  2. Locate the "Organization Related" section and click Manage Extensibility. You may need to scroll down through the available features to see it.

    This image shows the list of options available under the gear icon. Manage Extensibility is highlighted.

  3. Click the link for LTI Advantage (a) followed by the Register Tool button (b).

    This image calls out the next two clicks to begin the tool setup. Step "a" is selecting LTI Advantage along the top navigation. Step "b" then selects Register Tool.

  4. When prompted whether to register the tool as Standard or Dynamic, choose Standard.

    When prompted to register a tool as Standard or Dynamic, choose Standard.

  5. On the Register a Tool page, complete the following fields as indicated:

    1. Name: Sage Vantage

      Sage Vantage is the suggested tool name to use in the "Name" field.

    2. Description: This can be the same as the Name.

      The "Description" field can be the same as what you entered in the Name text field. We recommend Sage Vantage.

    3. Domain: https://vantage.sagepub.com

      Enter the URL from the documentation in the "Domain" text field.

    4. Redirect URL: The Redirect URL will be provided by Sage.

      The Redirect URL is provided by Sage.

    5. OpenId Connect Login URL: https://vantage.sagepub.com/lti1p3/OidcLogin

      Enter the URL from the documentation in the "OpenID Connect Login URL" text field.

    6. Keyset URL: The Keyset URL will be provided by Sage.

      The Keyset URL is provided by Sage.

    7. Extensions: Tick the checkboxes for Assignment and Grade Services and Deep Linking.

      In the Extensions section, tick the checkboxes for "Assignment and Grade Services" and "Deep Linking."

  6. Make a final review of the settings for accuracy, then click the Register button.

  7. Saving the Registration will provide a list of Registration Details. Use the copy icon to Copy each of these items. Send this information back to Sage.

    Once you register the tool, you will see a list of Registration Details. Click the copy icon after each item. Send this information back to Sage.

  8. Once you have copied each of the items in the list, click the View Deployments button.

    The "View Deployments" button is underneath the Registration Details.

  9. Click the New Deployment button.

    This image shows the Deployments page. The New Deployment button is highlighted.

  10. On the Deploy Tool page, complete the following items:

    1. Tool: In the dropdown, select the LTI tool you created in previous steps.

      In the Tool dropdown, look for the Sage Vantage registration you created in earlier steps.

    2. Name: Sage Vantage

      Enter the name of the tool. We recommend Sage Vantage.

    3. Description: This can be the same as the Name.

      The Description can be the same as the Name.

    4. Security Settings:

      1. Tick the checkboxes for Org Unit Information and User Information.

      2. Under User Information, clear the checkboxes for User ID and Username.

        Under Security Settings, check the boxes for Org Unit Information and User Information. Next, clear the checkboxes for User ID and Username underneath the User Information section.

    5. Configuration Settings:

      1. Tick the checkboxes for Open as External Resource and Grades created by LTI will be included in Final Grade.

        Under the Configuration Settings, tick the checkboxes for "Open as External Resource" and "Grades created by LTI will be included in Final Grade."

    6. Make tool available to: Click Add Org Units to select the global organization to allow this tool to be used in any course. Individual courses can also be selected if desired.

      Click the "Add Org Units" button to deploy the tool to the global organization, specific departments, or individual courses.

      Note: Depending on how your Org Units are divided for your school, you may need to add more than one organizational unit if you have instructors in multiple departments who need access to the tool.

    7. Make a final review of the settings for accuracy, then click the Create Deployment button.

  11. In the confirmation box, click View Links.

    This image shows the Deployment Details page where you can click View Links.

  12. Click the New Link button.

    This image shows the Links page. The New Link button is highlighted.

  13. On the Create Link page, complete the following items:

    1. Name: Sage Vantage

      Give the new link a Name. We recommend Sage Vantage.

    2. URL: The URL is the Redirect URL provided by Sage. This is the same URL you used in Step 6d above.

      In the URL text field, use the Redirect URL that is provided by Sage.

    3. Description: This can be the same as the Name.

      The description can be the same as the name of the link. We recommend Sage Vantage.

    4. Type: Set the dropdown to Deep Linking Quicklink. Set both the Width and Height options to 1000.

      This image shows the Type dropdown. The dropdown is set to Deep Linking Quicklink. The Width and Height options are both set to 1000.

    5. Click the Save and Close button when finished.

  14. After you send the Registration Details to your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist, you will receive confirmation that the integration is complete on the Sage side. We recommend that you attempt to add a link to Vantage in a sandbox course to confirm the tool configuration is working.

    1. In your sandbox course, click Content in the top navigation menu.

      In a sandbox course, click Content in the top navigation menu.

    2. If necessary, click Add a module in the left menu to create a content area to work in.

      In the left menu, click "Add a Module" to create a content area to work in.

    3. Click Add Existing Activities, then choose the Sage Vantage tool.

      In the content module, click the "Add Existing Activities" dropdown and choose the Sage Vantage tool.

    4. You should see the following error message that you do not have a valid Vantage account:

      "Message: Your learning management system email [your_email@school.edu] does not match an existing account in Sage Vantage. Please contact collegetechissues@sagepub.com so that our support team can create or merge your accounts."

      The 400 - BadRequest error reads: "Message: Your learning management system email [your_email@school.edu] does not match an existing account in Sage Vantage. Please contact collegetechissues@sagepub.com so that our support team can create or merge your accounts." It tells you that Vantage has authenticated and is looking for a valid instructor account rather than an Admin account.

      Seeing this error indicates you have authenticated into Vantage to the point where it is doing a user check. Since the user check is looking for an instructor account, this message indicates the configuration is correct.
