Canvas: Transferring Grades from Vantage
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How do I transfer grades from Sage Vantage to Canvas?


Export Your Vantage Gradebook

Navigate to the Gradebook area in your Vantage course.

This image highlights the location of the Gradebook in your Vantage course.


You can filter the gradebook to show only the grades you want to transfer to your Canvas course. Start by clicking on the Filter button near the top right of the page.

This image shows the location of the gradebook Filter option in Vantage.


Choose the Assignment Types you want to have grades for in Canvas. Most courses are set up so only the Chapter Tests have grades. Under "Show grades in," tick the checkbox for Points, then click Apply.

In this example, the checkboxes for "Chapter Tests" and "Points" are ticked.


Once the gradebook is filtered to the grades you want to export, click the Download button.

The location of the Download button is highlighted.


Select the option to Download only grades filtered in gradebook (.csv).

The download options are shown with the option to "Download only grades currently filtered in gradebook (.csv)" highlighted.


Save the file to your computer.


Export Your Canvas Gradebook


In the left navigation of your course, go to Grades. Next click Actions, then choose Export. Once the export process is complete, the export file will appear in the Actions menu beneath the Export link. Save the file to your computer by clicking on the link.

In the Actions menu, click Export. When the export file is ready, it will be listed under the Export menu option.


Combine Your Grades


Open both your Vantage and Canvas export files.

Your Vantage export file will show:

This image highlights information in the export file: A. Student first and last names, B. Exported assignment columns, C. Student grades.


A.      Your list of students in columns A and B

B.      Your exported Assignments, starting in Column D. The points possible is the number next to the assignment name.

C.      Student Grades



Next, match up your Vantage Gradebook with what you exported from Canvas.


Here is information to match up between your Vantage and Canvas gradebooks: A. Number of students, B. Grade columns, C. Paste the grades from the Vantage to the Canvas gradebook.


A.      Make sure you have the same number of students in both courses. If you have more students in Vantage than in Canvas, you can delete the rows with extra students from the Vantage export file. If you have more students in Canvas than in Vantage, you can add empty rows in the Vantage export to where the extra students are in Canvas.

B.      Grade columns exported from Canvas have metadata attached. If you already have the grade columns you need created in Canvas, then you will copy and paste the grades from the Vantage export into the correct columns in the Canvas export. If you need to add columns to your Canvas gradebook, you can add them by typing or pasting in the name of the grade in row 1, as well as the points possible in row 2. You do not need to worry about adding metadata.

C.      Once you have organized the columns and rows to match between the two spreadsheets, you can copy and paste all the grades from the Vantage export into the Canvas export.


Save your changes.


Upload Your Grades to Canvas


To upload the new grades, in the left navigation of your course, go to Grades. Next click Actions, then choose Import. Click Choose File to navigate to your updated file. Once you have selected it, click Upload Data.


When prompted, locate your updated file, then click the "Upload Data" button.
