Gradebook: Review Assessment Corrections by Sage and Update Impacted Student Grades
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How do I review assessment corrections made by Sage and update impacted student grades in a Vantage course?


There are times when Sage needs to correct an incorrect question in Vantage. Sometimes these questions are reported to Sage by our customers, other times the corrections come from internal reviews. This article will walk you through how Sage notifies you about corrections that have been made within your live course and how to go about reviewing them and updating your students’ grades.

1.       Sage will notify you via email when we have made corrections to questions in your course that have a direct impact on your students’ grades. This means one or more of your students have already encountered the impacted question in your course and received an incorrect mark for that question. An automated email will be sent in the overnight hours after corrections have been made to your course.

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2.       Once you log into Vantage, head over to your Gradebook and notice the banner at the top of your screen. Select Review Changes.

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3.       From there, you will be taken to a new screen where you can see all the corrections made to your course where students’ grades were impacted. You can choose to accept all the updates to your students’ grades at once, by selecting the Update All Grades button at the top, or you can scroll through each question and update the grades question by question. Choosing to update grades simply gives your impacted students (listed underneath each question) automatic credit for that question. Your students’ grades will be updated in your gradebook, and if your course is LMS integrated, those updated grades will be pushed to your LMS gradebook as well.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I accept the corrections to the questions?
A: There is no need to accept the corrections to the questions, as those have already been made to your course. All you need to do is update (or decline updating) your impacted students’ grades in Vantage.

Q: Will the updates to my students’ grades automatically flow to my LMS gradebook?
A: Yes, if you are using Vantage integrated with your school’s LMS, once you choose to update the grades in Vantage, the updates will automatically flow into your LMS gradebook. You may need to wait a few moments for all the grades to flow.

Q: What if I have already modified my students’ grades based on a question I deemed to be incorrect?
A: We will display all students who received an incorrect answer under the Impacted Students section for each question, regardless of whether you have already modified their grades in your Vantage gradebook.  If you have updated a student’s grade in your LMS only, accepting the updated grade in Vantage will update the grade in your Vantage gradebook and also push an update to your LMS.

Q: Will I see impacted students if I have assigned the assessment for completion only?
A: Yes, you will see impacted students for any question that has been corrected, even if you have assigned the activity for completion only.

Q: What happens if I select Do Not Update Any Grades?
A: Since the corrections are already made in your course, selecting this action will simply keep your students’ grades as is, and no other changes will be made.

Q: How do I notify Sage if I find a question that needs to be corrected on the Vantage platform?
A: You can always open a ticket with our Technical Support team (or give us a call) to report these issues to us via chat, telephone, or email on the main page here:

We will be happy to investigate the issue and make any necessary fixes. We make every effort to have those changes made within 24-48 hours. Please be prepared to include the following information with your report so we can quickly look into your request:

·        Author/Title/Edition you are using in your Vantage course

·        Assessment/Activity and Chapter where the question is located

·        If possible, it is also helpful to include a screenshot of the question along with your suggested changes

