Vantage Error: 500 – InternalServerError – No Matching Key Found
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How do I resolve the Error 500 – InternalServerError with Message "No matching key found" when I test the tool configuration?


When testing the tool configuration, you might see an "Error: 500 – InternalServerError." The message will say "No matching key found."


If you see an Error: 500 InternalServerError with the message "No matching key found," contact your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist to resolve the issue.


Contact your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist to work with them to resolve the error. This error happens most frequently with Canvas Beta or Test environments. Your TIS may have some questions for you to help diagnose the cause, but generally, this error can be resolved very quickly.

Your TIS will let you know when to test the configuration again. As an administrator you will see an "Error: 400 – BadRequest" message informing you that your email address does not match an existing account in Sage Vantage. Sage Vantage only recognizes instructor and student accounts, so this error tells you that the tool is working correctly.
