Vantage Error: 400 – BadRequest – Invalid
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In Blackboard, if the Tool Provider URL is not correct, testing the tool will return "Error: 400 – BadRequest." The message will say "Invalid."


In Blackboard, if the Tool Provider URL is not correct, testing the tool will return "Error: 400 – BadRequest." The message will say "Invalid."


A 400 Bad Request error with message "Invalid" appears in Blackboard when the Tool Provider URL is not correct.


The most common reason for an incorrect link is that a character was missed when copying and pasting the link into the tool's setup.

To fix this error, locate the Tool Provider URL your Sage Technical Implementation Specialist sent to you with your configuration instructions. Copy the URL in its entirety and paste it into your tool's setup, then save the change.

After replacing the link, you can test the configuration by going into a course and adding the tool. As an administrator you will see an "Error: 400 – BadRequest" message informing you that your email address does not match an existing account in Sage Vantage. Sage Vantage only recognizes instructor and student accounts, so this error tells you that the tool is working correctly.
